MAD FIGS Digest #1-13: 6/6/97

Today we welcome 2 more new members to the MF Club - Anna and Mike from UCSC. The Great Vinnardo has apparently become a recruiting juggernaut. Today is also the first day that Paul will be recieving the Digest directly from me, so the Animal can stop forwarding it to him.

6/6 - Added MAD FIGS Newsletters #1 and 2 (available from the Archive)
Added MAD FIGS T-Shirts pages (available from "Forces of Goodness" Page)
AMAZING STUFF!!!! - Added great new story! Check it out directly at:

A disturbing fact has been brought to my attention concerning the FGOTC. Quoth the Great Vinnardo:

> OK. FGOTC news. Good news and bad news. We can't do it on the
> 14th. Zen doesn't even get back into LA until that evening. Mon, Tues,
> or Wed would work. Thats the good news, we don't have to play on the
> 14th. Bad- Paul mentioned that he would be busy those 3 days. That's
> bad. Discuss this with the Figs.

We'll have to work something out here.

On a lighter note, the 4th AONLDOSMR went fairly well. Attendance was not as high as I had hoped (11) due to lack of support from Juniors and the fact that most seniors were still asleep from Sober Grad Night. But we did have the highest-ever percentage of people who finsihed the race, over 90%. The post-run frisbee game was also fun, even if the teams were constantly changing. Overall, it was a postive MAD FIGS experience.

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Today will be the first time in a while that I have no commitments during the daytime. I hope to work on the parables section of the homepage, update the links, and maybe begin on the soon-to-be huge Forensics section. I can't finish the missions section until somebody sends me their accounts of the ones I wasn't on. I guess I'll continue to wait.

Scott Dogg

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