MAD FIGS Digest #13-5 - 11/28/09
There hasn't been much MAD FIGS news to report recently, but the website has continued to get a lot of hits. Recently, the number of weird and entertaining searches has been increasing, so here are some more good ones:
the highest dollar bill ever created
fascist varmitzfa
military underwear
are figs hard to digest
bill nye a world without friction would be dangerous
the science guy birthday party fresno
who copied bill nye
different ways to spell the name dana
chem study films
hand of god frisbee
legend of number 14
paul holbach "the illusion of free will"
pull up competition results
should christmas day be spent with immediate family only?
the dam diner picture
matt henschel
justin vinnardo
strange figs
I've been slowly working on the satellite map of the Frisbee Golf course, but it's pretty difficult to figure out where things are from above. We will hopefully be able to spend a few days in Fresno for Christmas this year - maybe a new photo tour is in order? We'll see...
Scott Dogg
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