MAD FIGS Digest #2-5: 10/98
Due to events somewhat out of my control, MAD FIGS Digesting was delayed for the summer. Due to events totally within my control, MAD FIGS Digesting was delayed from September til now. To anyone who has a problem with this, I say, "SLEEP TIGHT, YA MORONS!"
Added recent (and not-so-recent) Ping Pong Tournament results
We have seen several MAD FIGS Birthdays come and go with the Mug changing hands a shockingly low number of times. vinnardo
celebrated his 226th birthday in July, and the Incredible Guy turned 2684 in August. The Animal turned 76 in September, and,
of course, as of October 9th Scott Dogg is now 20.
[Editor's note: all gifts can be sent care of Scott Dogg, Box C812,
1231 E. Colton Ave., Redlands, CA 92374; and birthday wishes can be left on the answering machine (always on) at
(909) 307-7487]
Ultimate Frisbee news: while some Ultimate was played over the summer, but due to bad planning by the organizer of the various games (not to name names, but it was Paul) they were usually cut short. Fortunately, there may be as many as 4 MAD FIGS playing Ultimate in the same section this year, including vinnardo AND the Animal on Cal Poly's team! UPA Analysts predict that this will be an unstoppable force. But what they didn't take into account is the formation of an all MAD FIGS team to play against the various other schools... and this exciting possibility may yet come about.
The MAD FIGS Septathalon was postponed from the proposed date in 1998 until next summer, when more MAD FIGS will be available to participate. However, a tentative schedule of events has been set, with Frisbee, an Ultimate 2 on 2 round robin, bowling, miniature golf, the barefoot mile rune, paintball, and The MAD FIGS Adventure Course Race as possible events. Other supplementary events may include pen twirling, the mile run to the Dam Diner, underwater swimming (proposed by vinnardo), rowing (proposed by Paul), snow cone selling (proposed by the Animal) and Tori Amos lyric reciting (proposed by Scott Dogg).
In late September, a mini-reunion was held when Paul, Scott Dogg, and the Animal were all in the LA area at the same time. They traveled to Pomona to "attend a party" but Scott Dogg and the Animal suspected that more dubious motivations were at hand. The party turned out to be incredibly boring, with Scott Dogg and the Animal sitting around and planning to steal an Austin Powers poster (until someone else did) and Paul getting ignored all night. But it's OK, since Paul (allegedly) has a girlfriend now [Editor's Note: Yeah Right]. Only time will tell how it turns out.
Finally, the MAD FIGS webpage now has over 2150 hits and counting! We couldn't have done it without the continued support of our friends and fans.
If you have any questions, comments, or wish to be unsubscribed, send email to
Scott Dogg
"There are few more vivid condemnations of the ways of democratic politicians than the similes of the sea-captain and of the
'large and powerful Animal.'"
-Plato, The Republic
"Associating with Justin must be turning Paul into a strange-o too!"
-Scott Dogg's Mom
"He had only had the job for a couple of weeks, but already people were asking, 'Is the New Guy gay?'"
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