MAD FIGS Digest #6-1: 6/7/02
In a blazing wave of absolutely no publicity at all, the MAD FIGS Septathalon is racing towards us like an enraged Canadian Goose! It may be up to those of us who are brave enough to stand in its path to keep this noble tradition alive and well. Despite the devastating news that Matt "Kleinfelter" Romsa won't be able to attend this year's event, Jenny and I are still going to be there! How about the rest of you? It's been several months since even the confirmed participants had anything to say, and there are several important competitors (whose names happen to spell out GSAF) who have remained suspiciously silent about their plans to attend. Atlantic City is practically howling with anticipation to know who is going to be there for sure, so a definite set of odds can be drawn up for the overall score and individual events. Other burning questions also wait to be answered, including: will there be any competition against Scott Dogg and Jenny in the wide-open couples division? Will the McNallys and Johann reenact their fierce battle over the "naked lady on the leaning tower of Pisa" statue? Will Jacob have enough energy left after the honeymoon to run in any of the events? And most importantly, who the heck is this Nina chick? Only YOU can provide the answers!In other news, the MAD FIGS webpage is finally undergoing its long-awaited move to a new and better host! While some links won't be working correctly for a few more days, the Septathalon section is up and running, hopefully soon to be updated with new odds! The exciting comparisons page should also be ready with a new 3-year analysis by Saturday evening! Keep checking for updates, and we'll see you in Fresno on July 19-20!
Scott Dogg
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