The Offical MAD FIGS Music List
(Last updated approximately 1996)
Musical Artists
- "Weird Al" Yankovich
- They Might Be Giants
- Fun Lovin' Criminals
- Rage Against the MACHINE
- Tori Amos [Scott Dogg Only]
- Tool
- Laid - James [THE Song]
- The Lion Sleeps Tonight
- The MAD FIGS Theme Song [Ska]
- Firestarter - Prodigy
- Bound for the Floor - Local H
- Your Woman - White Town [All except Jacob]
- Any Song from Braveheart, or other Scottish music
- Wonderful Wonderful - Johnny Mathis
- Lovefool - The Cardigans [Justin Only]
The MAD FIGS Tape was originally created by Jacob and vinnardo in the distant past, and only 7 copies were made. Unfortunately, due to the passage of time many of them were lost or damaged. Luckily, Scott Dogg's copy survived and he was able to create a re-mastered and expanded version. At long last, you can download this exclusive CD (105MB zip file)
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