Ultimate Frisbee Results
- 1. Pounder
- 2. Conrad
- 3. Daniel
- 4. Tim
- 5. Animal
- 6. Angry Bear
- 7. Meira
- 8. Zev
- 8. Clayton
- 8. Kim
- 8. vinnardo
- 8. Roman
- 8. Lito
- 8. Macy
- 8. Matthew
- 8. Katie
- 8. Mel
- 8. Paul
- 19. Ellen
- 19. Jacob
- 19. John
- 19. Turner
- 19. Clark
- 19. T-Bird
Tiebreakers based on record and accuracy competition.
Match Ups
Game 1
Figo Red (Daniel, vinnardo, Pounder, Mier, Zev, Angry, Lito) d.
Figo Blue (Matthew, Turner, John, Ellen, Roman, Jacob, T-Bird):
7-3Game 2
Figo Blue (Tim, Clayton, Kim, Animal, Conrad) d.
Figo Red (Mel, Katie, Macy, Clark, Paul):
7-3Game 3
Figo Blue (Miera, Conrad, Pounder, Tim, Animal, Daniel) d.
Figo Red (Zev, Clayton, Kim, vinnardo, Angry, Lito):
7-6Game 4
Figo Red (Macy, Matthew, Katie, Mel, Paul, Roman) d.
Figo Blue (Turner, Clark, T-Bird, Ellen, Jacob, John):
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