Photo Page #5: The Ceremony

The left side of the reception area...
the center...
and the right.

Everyone watches the bride's approach.
Hilary leads the way down the steps.
Jenny begins the precarious decent...
and makes it down without incident.

The ceremony begins.
Paul reads "Song" by Alan Ginsburg.

Paul adds larkspur to the wreath.
Matt adds dock.
Justin adds tarragon.
The Animal adds violets and snowdrops.
Molly adds rosemary.
Hilary adds roses.

Molly recites a romantic sonnet.
Misty reads the ceremony.
The exchange of vows.
More exchanging.
Scott and Jenny both look happy!
Jenny puts the ring on Scott's finger.
The cord binding ceremony.

Misty makes it official.
The end of the ceremony.
The first kiss (as a married couple, anyway).
Presentation of the newlyweds

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