MAD FIGS Passtimes
- Playing Ultimate Frisbee
- Running
- Pole Vaulting
- Pen Tricks
- Watching The Simpsons and The X-Files
- Driving places playing Music loudly
- Golfing (miniature and real), Bowling, Basketball
- Fascist Varmitzfa'ing
- Planting Fig Trees [as community service]
- Recycling
MAD FIGS Annual Celebrations
- Official National Last Day of School Mile Run [Started: June 1994, Original four = Josh Lehman, Johann Steinke, Justin Vinnardo, Jacob Ekins]
- Official National Race Shirt Week [Started: late spring 1995]
- Official National Jeans Week [Started: late spring 1995]
- Official International Jean Week [Started: late spring 1995]
- Official National Handshaking Week [Started: early spring 1994]
MAD FIGS Rituals
- Race Day Face Painting [Blue]
- 1492 Chant [With sprint by Flash on last verse]
- THE Clap
- the Rain Dance
- Information leaks
- Singing "Spider", "...Lion", THE Song, MAD FIGS Theme Song before important events [See MAD FIGS Music]
- Burying Stuff
- R-O-N-G-O Song
- Seal Stretch ["Oh! That burns like a beaver!" - Paul Melikian]
- Screaming the number 14 during sit-up sessions
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