The Parables of the MAD FIGS

- The Legend of Scott and Liz
- The MAD FIGS Newspaper Article
- The 1492 Chant
- The RONGO Song
- The Runner's Prayer
- Forrest Gump #3 History Video
- The Boxing Day Article
- The Dancing Article
- The Chem Study Drinking Game
- The Bill Nye Drinking Game
- The Brick Joke
- The Airplane Joke
- A postcard from Paul and Tom
- The Dam Diner
- The Official National Last Day of School Mile Run
- The MAD FIGS Relay Team
- The Robinson Cup Run
- The Clovis Lakes Run
- The Frisbee Game of the Century
- Great Frisbee Moments
- Davis Ultimate Invite 2004
- Long Beach Tournament 2004
- San Luis Obispo Tournament 2004
- Fresno Marathon 2008
- The Animal and Angry Bear Halftime Show
- The MAD FIGS Dollar
- The MAD FIGS Birthday Mug
- The MAD FIGS Shirt #1 (1995 - Blue)
- The MAD FIGS Shirt #2 (1996 - White)
- The MAD FIGS Brick
- The MAD FIGS Bowl
- Bill Nye the Science Guy
- Mr. Lusk
- Papa Horn
- Anders, the Norwegian Landmine Guy
- MAD FIGS the Band?
- The Peeing Guy
- The 14 Legend
- The Canadian Geese Conspiracy
- The Machine
- Ron
- The Crazy Guy